How to Make Wudu (Ablution) without Wasting Water?

How to perform ablution (wudu) effectively without wasting water? How could a Muslim perform wudu with a little amount of water? Watch this short video to get the answer.
How to perform ablution (wudu) effectively without wasting water? How could a Muslim perform wudu with a little amount of water? Watch this short video to get the answer.
Shortening & Combining Prayers While Traveling Question: What are the rulings of shortening prayers while traveling a long distance? Is it permissible to combine prayers? Answer: In the name of Allah, we praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none […]
What is the ruling of finding wetness after waking up? Is it madhi or mani? Does it require performing ghusl or wudu? Watch to get answers.
The Muslim Prayer Book: Rules, Concepts & Merits
Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s Treatise on Prayer (Salah)
Respond to the Call for Prayer
Congregational Prayer
Humility in Prayer
The Muslim at Prayer
An Introduction to Prayer in Islam